Your payment will include a convenience fee of $4.50 for regular dues and $2.25 for just Pioneer or Grand Lodge dues.
What it means to be a Freemason.
Watch the video above to find out.
For Failing to Prepare, is Preparing to Fail
- Brother Benjamin Franklin
Preparedness and survival are not just a fad – they are a mindset from our not so distant past. All we are doing is trying to make up for the time lost when we started relying on technology and government for our daily needs. Let’s use today’s technology and blend with the skills of the past to achieve a greater level of preparedness.
Survival Presentation
For other payments and donations - use the Donate Button below.
It's that time of year once again. Please take a few minutes to pay your Pioneer Lodge dues. The cost this year is $171 for a Regular member. You can send a check, bring cash to the meeting or pay via PayPal on the website.
Pioneer Connect!
Upcoming Pioneer Lodge Events
Dues for 2024 - 2025 have increased to $85 for Grand Lodge, plus $1 for the George Washington Memorial Fund and $85 for Pioneer. Total dues now $171 per year.
Upcoming Lodge of Instruction -
February 26, 2025 - Eastern Star Lodge.
Pioneer Lodge A.F.& A.M. March Monthly Communication – Monday, March 03, 2025. Welcoming R.W. Cabral, who will be joining with a fraternal visit.
In the News......
Preparedness Corner
Is your "bug-out" bag ready to go? Click here for a complete list of items that should be in your bag - as a start.
R.W. Amaro "Mario" Cabral
District Deputy Grand Master
16th Masonic District
Music Monday!
The official schedule is out for the rest of the 2025 Masonic year . Please mark your calendars for all the upcoming Official Visits, Fraternal Visits, LOIs and Special Events by R.W. Cabral DDGM as he going to all the Lodges in the 16ht District.
Fraternal Visits
May Flower Lodge February 4
Eastern Star Lodge February 12
Bristol Lodge February 18
Pioneer Lodge March 3
King David Lodge March 11
Ezekiel Bates Lodge March 18
Official Visits
Eastern Star Lodge September 10
Bristol Lodge September 16
May Flower Lodge October 7
Ezekiel Bates Lodge October 15
Pioneer Lodge November 3
King David Lodge November 11
Lodge of Instruction (LOI)
January 22 Bristol Lodge
February 26 Eastern Star Lodge
March 26 King David Lodge
April 23 May Flower Lodge
May 28 Pioneer Lodge
June 25 Ezekiel Bates Lodge
September 24 Eastern Star Lodge
October 22 Bristol Lodge
November 21 May Flower Lodge
December 19 King David Lodge
** All LOIs are on Wednesday except for November and December - Friday
District 16 Events
Exemplification - March 24, 2025 Bristol Lodge. The location will be Bristol Lodge. Dinner at 6:30, Exemplification 7:30 to 8:30.
Lodge of Qualification - June TBD
Golden Gavels - June 11
Family Fun Day - August 10 - Sunday 10 AM - 4 PM - Hudson, MA
Feast of St. John - December 27
Grand Lodge Quarterly
March 12
June 11
September 10
December 10
Welcome to Music Monday! Today we're traveling to Vienna for one of the most inspiring and yet relaxing songs ever written (in my opinion). Vienna Philharmonic – Barber: Adagio for Strings, Op.11 (Summer Night Concert 2019). Samuel Osmond Barber II (March 9, 1910 – January 23, 1981) was an American composer, pianist, conductor, baritone, and music educator, and one of the most celebrated composers of the mid-20th century.